Sales & Marketing


Who am I and what are my challenges?

Emma runs an online B2B company providing analytics solutions. Her marketing goal is to create brand awareness in her target group – e-commerce companies. She also wants to generate online sales of her analytics packages and generate sales leads for consulting services and analytical training. Emma is aware of strong competition among companies offering services similar to hers, and she needs to find a way to stand out.


What is the solution?

Emma decided to reach potential clients by offering useful free knowledge to position herself as an expert. To achieve, this she began hosting webinars where one of her expert employees and a guest speaker discussed topics, such as must-have analytics tools, e-commerce funnel essentials, and top 10 trends in e-commerce analytics. To gather a wide audience for her webinars, Emma runs promotional campaigns using Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Those who follow the ad land on a sign-up form that collects data and passes it to Emma’s email marketing system. In the form, Emma pre-qualifies leads by asking essential questions about the industry and the attendee’s role. When the webinar ends, Emma distributes the recording and takeaways via email. Then she passes the leads to her sales team. Those who have attended the event and are already familiar with the brand and her expertise are more likely to consider a purchase.



As a result of incorporating webinars into the marketing strategy, Emma collects hot leads that bring her revenue while she positions herself as an expert in the field of analytics.