Make money from donations on ClickMeeting

Webinar + donations = the perfect match! Earn from attendee donations

Did you know that at ClickMeeting you can also make money on free events? Encourage your audience to support you with donations. That's fast, easy and secure!

Donations are an excellent choice if

You want to see what audience support you can count on

You want to recoup the funds spent on organizing a free webinar

You don't know if it's time for paid webinars

You are looking for an additional source of income and support for your work

You are into fundraising

Learn the easiest way to make money on webinars

Donations mean benefits. Your audience is not required to do anything, and you set everything up in a few moments. In this video we show you how simple it is to monetize this way.

Integrate with Stripe and start earning! It only takes 3 minutes

Receiving fast and secure contributions is possible with payment systems. At ClickMeeting, you can use Stripe or PayPal. In this video, we show you how to integrate with the platform in just 3 minutes. Do it and make money from donations and paid webinars!

Don't have a ClickMeeting account yet?

Create one and start making money on donations now!